- Recite the Lord's prayer
- Do you think Jesus ever prayed that prayer?
- How about "forgive us our sins"?
- Do you pray before you eat a meal?
- Why?
- Do you pray before you have a snack?
- Why not?
- Not praying before eating is not a sin or requirement in the Bible
- On the other hand, why not pray at that time and any other time you think of it?
- The privilege of prayer
- *Last person who shows up prays
- Being able to communicate with God is a far bigger privilage than having a hotline to Justin Trudeau
- Justin Trudeau may be a king, but Jesus is the King of kings
- When we pray we can come boldly to God but we should not be disrespectfully
- It is better to practice the principles and presence of prayer than master the mechanics of prayer
- Short/long
- Nehemiah 2:3-5
- This is the shortest prayer I know of in Scripture
- Nehemiah 9 has the longest prayer
- The Bible has examples of prayer in many circumstances, at many times of the day, of various content
- There is no one time or best formula for prayer because it is communication and relationship
- If I told my dad that I would only talk to Him from 6-6:30 every Tuesday and Thursday our relationship would be strained
- It is great if I set apart times to talk with him but I should also speak to Him whenever there is a need to or I have an opportunity to do so
- My dad does not care so much how I communicate with him (phone, face-to-face, in a letter, by poem) but rather that we are communicating
- Philippians 4:6
- How does Christian prayer differ from other religion's prayer?
- Prayer is not meditation
- It is conversation
- Therefore we should not just think about God, but talk to Him and ask Him things
- There is a place for meditation but it is meditation on God's Word and is distinct from prayer
- For unbelievers prayer is generally a mater of luck
- For Christians prayer is a matter of faith
- Christians pray to their Father
- Matthew 6:8-9
- God is the Father of believer, not unbelievers
- Therefore an unbeliever can never pray a Christian prayer even if they say the Lord's prayer word for word
- Christian prayer is never alone
- As a minimum, prayer involves the whole trinity
- Father (to the father)
- This is who we pray to ("Our Father who art in Heaven…")
- If prayer were a letter, we would address it to the Father
- If prayer were an email we would send it to the Father's email address
- Son (in the name of the Son)
- What does it mean to pray in Jesus' name?
- Where does the Bible say that we should pray in the name of Jesus?
- John 14:13-14
- John 15:16
- John 16:23-24
- Notice that prayer in Jesus' name is always in the context of asking the Father for something
- There is actually a reason why praying in Jesus' name is only in the context of requests
- 1 John 5:14-15
- 1 John 3:22
- Lets say we wanted to ask Queen Elizabeth for something so we decided to write her a letter
- It would be important to add the signatures of others in order for her to take it more seriously
- But if the name of one of her children (Charles) were on that list it would have a far greater weight
- Likewise, when we make a request to the Father it is good to have others agree with you in that prayer so that their signatures are added to your request, but if you can get Jesus to sign your petition then you are bound to get what you have requested
- However Jesus will not sign our petitions unless we are obeying Him and asking for something that He wants as well
- Mark 10:35-40
- These two men came to Jesus with a request that He was not prepared to sign
- On the other hand Jesus tells us to ask God for things because there are many petitions He would love to sign if only you'd present them and many prayers He'd love to pass on if you would only ask Him. There are other prayers that He will tell you that He can't sign
- In fact, there was even one occasion when He was tempted Himself to offer a petition and then realized that He couldn't sign it Himself when He prayed "Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me." And so He offered another prayer "Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done." and He signed His name to that one
- Spirit (in the Spirit)
- This is who we pray in
- Romans 8:26-27
- Ephesians 6:18
- Praying in the Spirit is an added dimension to praying with all prayer and supplication
- Jude 20
- 1 Corinthians 14:14-15
- What is praying in the Spirit?
- Praying in the Spirit could also be translated "with the Spirit", "by means of", "with the help of", "in connection to"
- Whether it is tongues or the Holy Spirit's guiding or intercession, these are all forms of praying in the Spirit because the Holy Spirit is helping us speak to the Father
- Demons may try to distract you or hinder answers to prayer
- Angels are often used by God to deliver responses to prayer and when a sinner repents and prays they are there rejoicing
- It is often good to pray with others
- Matthew 18:19-20
- Hebrews 12:1
- This is about our race in general which includes prayer
- We usually pray privately but if you go through all the examples of people praying in the Bible, they are very often in groups
- Benefits
- We can learn from how others pray
- Together there can be more faith
- Even if I am not sure that God is listening to me I have hope that He is hearing the others who are joining me in prayer
- Matthew 6:6
- OUR Father
- Give US this day OUR daily bread
- And forgive US OUR debts, as WE also have forgiven OUR debtors
- Etc.
- This plural language shows that we are praying with the saints
- When we become a Christian we cease to be strictly an individual and become a part of the body of Christ even when we are alone
- Luke 9:18
- Jesus' example
- When did Jesus pray?
- Luke 4:16
- There is no verse that tells us that He had a customary prayer time/place
- If He did we are just not clearly told about it
- When He was in a big conflict or had to make a big decision
- At the big events in His life
- Luke 3:21
- Luke 9:28-29
- Before His death
- On the cross
- Where did He pray?
- It seems that whenever He could He prayed privately
- He also prayed outdoors a lot (perhaps partly because He didn't have His own house)
- How to pray
- Pray with humility
- Remember the Pharisee who boasted in his pray unlike the tax collector who did not think highly of himself (Luke 18:10-14)
- Talk and ask
- Prayer is usually spoken out loud rather than thought
- Luke 11:2
- Matthew 26:39, 44
- Acts 1:24
- This is very helpful if you struggle with wandering thoughts
- One of the reasons so many Christians find it difficult to pray out loud in a prayer meeting is because they don't pray out loud privately
- Requests
- Don't be afraid to ask for things
- Jesus often asked for things when He prayed
- John 17:5, 15, 17, 20, 24
- Don't think that not asking God for things is a more spiritual/mature prayer life
- You can use your hands when praying
- Matthew 19:13
- Acts 6:6
- Acts 13:3
- 1 Timothy 2:8
- Whatever other content you have in your prayer, make sure to pray for things we are specifically told to pray for
- Psalm 122:6
- Isaiah 56:7 (Mark 11:17)
- Think about someone who rubs you the wrong way, or someone who annoys you or that you don't get along with
- Matthew 5:44
- Pray for people you don't enjoy meeting on the street or that annoying person at work or those gossiping about you
- The bible has examples of praying for other congregations, the sick, unity, unbelievers, Jews, yourself, forgiveness, God's kingdom, His will, missions, the future, boldness (Mark 13:18), etc.
- If you don't know what to pray for ask Him what to pray for
- Is it OK to use prewritten prayers?
- Acts 2:43
- The Lord's prayer
- On the other hand, nearly every prayer in the Bible was not a formal prayer
- Don't only be selfish
- Don't limit your prayers to your friends, family, church, and nation
- *Share personal testimony on this
- Would I be willing to have my prayer answered at a personal cost
- Moses and Paul both prayed that God would save Israel even at the cost of their own salvations
- Pray qualitatively, not quantitatively
- Matthew 6:7
- This can also be applied to how many are praying
- The most that Jesus ever promised would get special attention was two or three
- How to pray privately/secretly
- In theory this should be very easy just as a couple in love find it easy to get together and talk
- In practice many Christians find it difficult to spend hours with Jesus
- Difficulties:
- Our relationship with God is not physical (smell, hear, touch)
- Hellen Keller had a harder time communicating and having relationships with others because she was missing the senses of sight and hearing
- However, she was able to do it, it just took more work
- Pretty much only the 12 Disciples used all their senses to talk to God and that only for three years
- After Jesus was risen He started appearing to them and disappearing when they thought they were all alone
- Between the resurrection and ascension Jesus was teaching the disciples to have a sense of His presence even when He wasn't physically present. He kept coming and going till they didn't know if He was coming or going so that when He left they knew He hadn't gone.
- He had weaned them off of His physical body. And that is why, when He left, He said, "And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
- "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."
- When I first learned to play the piano I had to persevere through it before it became a delight (Fitness, university, etc.)
- Keep praying and you will slowly grow to enjoy it
- At times we don't feel like praying
- We may feel less like praying on Monday morning than Sunday but we must ignore those feelings and exercise self-discipline
- Hindrances to praying
- *If I shoot two birds and one of them falls dead and the other is struggling to get away I would go for the alive one first
- Therefore take heart when you face resistance in your prayer life
- Tactics of spiritual forces and the flesh
- Stop you from praying
- Ruin your prayers through distractions or unbalanced prayers (only praying for forgiveness for instance)
- Responses to prayer
- Psalm 106:15
- 1 Samuel 12:13
- Sometimes it is a very good thing when God answers with a 'no'
- Be prepared to be used in the answer to your prayer
- If you pray for Africa's salvation be prepared for God to send you to Africa
- If you pray for a poor family be prepared to give to them
- When you don't get an answer:
- When we don't hear any reply and the conversation seems to be only one-sided we get discouraged and often give up
- Job cried out to God for a long time before he got a reply
- Many of the Psalms ask God to respond and listen to the Psalmist's prayers
- Even when Jesus was physically available to talk to He did not always respond right away
- Matthew 15:22-28
- Jesus didn't answer for a while even though the woman was crying and had a great need
- But because of her persistence He responded and granted her request
- Matthew 27:11-14
- Daniel 10:12-13
- If you are not getting a reply keep on praying just like Daniel did
- God hears you as soon as you pray, it is only the response that is sometimes delayed
- 5 causes of this problem
- Breakdown of communication on the human side
- We aren't right with God (sin)
- Isaiah 1:15
- Jeremiah 11:13-14
- Proverbs 28:9
- James 5:16
- 1 John 3:22
- 1 Peter 3:12
- We aren't right with other people (sin)
- Mark 11:25
- Matthew 5:22-24
- We aren't right when we aren't praying
- When we are praying we are the same person as when we are not praying
- If you are tired all the time then you will probably fall asleep when praying
- If you are impatient in general then you will be impatient in prayer
- If you find it hard to communicate with people you might find it hard to communicate with God
- If you don't listen when you're not praying how will you listen when you are praying?
- Breakdown of communication on the Heavenly side
- There is a spiritual blockage as in the case of Daniel's prayer
- Resist the devil and he will flee from you
- Keep on praying like Daniel did till you get an answer
- I am suspicious that sometimes God holds back answering right away so that we persist and become a stronger prayer and press in to Him
- When a baby is learning to walk sometimes the parent step back a little ways so that the child has to walk forwards
- Sometimes we are so rarely in prayer that when we finally need to pray God doesn't want to fix our situation right away so that we stay praying for a bit longer
- Persist in prayer
- Luke 11:5-10
- Luke 18:1
- Colossians 4:2
- When not to pray for someone
- I personally don't pray alone with someone of the opposite gender if I'm not married to them
- 1 John 5:16
- 1 John 5:14-18 (for context)
- Jeremiah 7:16
- Matthew 12:31
- Hebrews 6:4-6
- Does prayer change God's mind?
- Exodus 32:11-14
- Prayer is partnering with God in what He already wants to do so when our prayers affect God's actions it is because He was hoping and waiting and knew that we would pray and that He would partner with us
- This is something I am still refining in my thinking and would love to know other opinions on
- Personal recommendations
- Keep a prayer list
- Do you ever think of all the things you aught to be doing (besides praying) soon after you begin praying?
- Write those things down so that you can put them out of your mind without neglecting them
- Another thing you can do is to start praying for those things
- Write down your prayer requests so that you can look back and see how God has answered your prayers
- The Bible does not mention closing eyes during prayer or folding your hands
- If you find it relaxing/less distracting to close your eyes go for it
- If you are tired and trying not to drift off then keep them open
- If you pray in the morning and often drift off then pray standing or with
- Ask the Holy Spirit to give you a passion for prayer so that you want to pray, a knowledge of what to pray for, and persistence to keep on asking till you get a reply
- Don't glibly offer to pray for others
- Offer to pray for people right on the spot
- How to pray as a group
- Everyone should be prepared to contribute
- If you are scared praying in a large group try praying with only two or three
- Ask the Holy Spirit for knowledge and discernment so that you know how to pray for a situation
- Say there is a drought in Canada
- Our instincts might be to pray for rain but Elisha prayed that God keep the rain away for three years
- Jeremiah 11:13-14
- I believe God prefers specific requests but if you don't know what to pray for, God's will is a great generality
- Mark 11:24
- *Example of praying for a neighbor's salvation
- Expect to succeed
- The Father wants you to succeed in prayer
- The Son has made it possible to succeed in prayer
- The Spirit helps us succeed in prayer